Special-Dog-Center Schmidt - Certified Dog Training Center
Because of the lament about the increasing working dog misery by national and international K9 owning authorities, we have been making it our business to breed and train service dogs for object and personal protection as well as for all special purposes (explosive detection, narcotics detection and special operations dogs and also tracking and rescue dogs) for the police, military, Federal Border Police, customs, regulatory offices and private security companies in both Germany and foreign countries.
The demand for completely trained and that’s why immediately fully operational dogs by K9 owning authorities is ever-growing. Reasons are the enormous time saving for the training and the absence of the dog teams during attending training courses. Thus they can save money and staff which will be completely available for their employer and ready for action at any time.
Because of the still insufficient working dog quality of the most dog breeds which are qualified for this, among the protection dog and special training we are dealing intensively with breeding of healthy and willing to work working dogs.
We are working together especially with K9 owning authorities (great acceptance of modern methods in training protection and detection dogs) from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands and meanwhile also from Qatar.
Tino Schmidt was a contestant in national and international service dog competitions (Swiss Open, Holte-Stuckenbrock, Hannover, Netherlands - KNPV…).
The Special-Dog Center Schmidt consists of 2 CEOs:
Tino Schmidt is the founder of this dog training center and has been dealing with dog training and breeding from childhood on. Since 1st January 2010 he is leading the Special-Dog-Center Schmidt, T. Schmidt & N. Olah GbR in corporation with Nadine Olah. The training center originally has been founded in 2002. In the following you can learn more about Tino Schmidt, the founder of the Special-Dog-Center-Schmidt, and Nadine Olah.

- 1990 Begin of police officer training, after that member of the Riot Police Saxony
- April 1993 – September 1999 Mission officer in the Special Mission Command Saxony (SEK)
- October 1999 – 2002 Trainer at Canine Officer School in Naustadt/Saxony
- 2000 Tino Schmidt was ordered by the Saxony Ministry of the Interior as an expert in the dog nature for the execution of the law for the protection of the population from dangerous dogs.
- 2002 – April 2004 unit leader and trainer of the K9 unit Grimma
- 2004 – April 2005 further working as a canine handler and trainer
- April 2005 Tino Schmidt realized the project “Service Dog for Special Mission Situations” with the Special Mission Command Saxony and was working at the same time as trainer and examiner for the special operations dogs of the southern rail (Austria, Switzerland and certain parts of Germany)
- 1st May 2008 withdrew voluntarily from the Saxony official relationship for self-realization
- June 2008 Special-Dog-Center Schmidt
- Competition participations: national and international competitions for service dogs (Swiss-Open, Holte-Stuckenbrock, Hanover, Holland - KNPV ...)

- 2004 – 2007 Examined Nurse
- 2004 – 2008 Judge in Agility
- Since 2017 Assistant management of the Special-Dog-Center Schmidt
- Training and certification for explosives detection dogs guides
- Competition participations: Numerous participation in national competitions in working dog sport, agility and obedience
Our Qualifications
- Service K9 trainers
- Examiner of police service and special operations dogs
- Police K9 handler for narcotics detection dogs, explosive detection dogs, protection dogs and special operations dogs
- Permission in according to §7 German Law About Explosive Substances
- Qualification certificate in according to §20 German Law About Explosive Substances
- General knowledge about guns §7 German Gun Control Law
- Expert in the field of canine
- Inspection of trustiness in according to German Atomic Energy Act
- German Security Validation Ü2
- Permission for training dogs for protection purposes in according to § 11 sub. 1 No 2b German Animal Protection Law
- Protection service assistant for IPO and service dogs
- Trainer certification IGP (International Utility Dog Trials Regulation)
- Background check according to § 7 Aviation Security Act
On the basis of a 18 years of working in the German police, Tino Schmidt as the owner of Special-Dog-Center Schmidt is providing their considerable also international experiences in the field of training dogs and dog handlers and additional services and facilities for their home and foreign customers.
For differentiation from other suppliers of comparable services and according to the successful evolution of the enterprise and in order to better meet customer needs, the requirement to describe and certify the management system on the base of the standards ISO 9001 and ISO 29990 comes up to create prerequisites for a continuous improvement process.
The range of services of the Special-Dog-Center Schmidt is directed to home and foreign customers of the following fields:
Service dogs
- Air ports and air freight
- Police (including Border and Federal Police)
- Military and Military Police
- Customs
- Regulatory Agencies
- Private persons
- Security service providers
- Ports