Dogs for Special Operations
Special Operations Dogs are specialized service dogs utilized for special police operations. These dogs are used exclusively in the area of hardest crime and also in high dangerous situations for police forces and also for other persons.
Of course principles of proportionality and legality are to be followed when using these dogs. There must be evidence of dangerousness of the person to stop before an application of such dogs.
Using these Special Action Dogs generally reduces the risk for the operational forces and uninvolved third persons.
Dogs for special operational areas are essential means of the police, because using the gun is reduced considerable in the field of hardest crime by the multitude of the tactical range of applications.
Basic Premises for the Training of Special Operations Dogs
A dog can only be trained to become a dog for special operations if it meets the following basic premises:

- Strongly pronounced prey drive, which is to be directed in the training into active aggression ranges
- Reduced barking tendencies
- Special operations dogs must not be influenced by the situation, target or third subjects or other distraction potentials (shot, bang, fire etc.)
Deployment of Special Operations Dogs
The following enumeration is demonstrating the deployment potentials of the special operations dogs:

- Grasping from cars
- Supporting observations and recon
- Grasping during kidnapping