Tracking Dogs
The well-trained tracking dog is able to find and follow a track respectively and to indicate things carrying human smell at or nearby the track.
There are two important facts proving the need of training track finding. On the one hand suspect or helpless or missed persons are to be found, on the other hand finding pieces of evidence respectively trace material would be easier. Goal of the base training is teaching the dog to find a track, to stay on the track and successfully search it.
A track is a smell trace caused by someone.
Thus the dog has to learn differing between the common human smell and the individual smell of one man from another.
It is common knowledge, that the olfactory organ is the dogs best developed sense organ.
That’s why a dog is able following tracks not only after hours but also after days under different environmental and weather influences.
Prerequisites for Training a Tracking Dog
- Good nose atopy
- Good appetite
- Good social and environmental behavior
- Joyful search manner
- Good search patience
- Not easy to distract
- Good basic obedience

Training Content
- Laying and outworking of the track
- Finding and indicating of certain objects
- Searching for and finding persons
- Following strangers track

Training Goals
- Criminalistics: Finding perpetrator's traces and means of evidence (certain objects)
- Sure taking-up and following the track under different weather and environmental conditions
Fields of Application for Tracking Dogs
- VPG/IPO/DPO = Part of the examination
- Follow perpetrator's traces
- Searching certain objects (means of evidence)
- Locating of missed persons (suspects, children, older people, possible suicide attempter)