Search and Rescue Dogs
Rescue dogs are playing a key role in disaster missions around the world. They are trained for helping people to escape from emergency.
Rescue dogs can be used for search missing people in wood lands, quarries, after explosions, in confusing areas or countrified regions.
This could be elderly not founding the way back or becoming ill suddenly, children and ambler having an accident, hopeless people having suicide in mind and so on. In such missions large areas are to be handled, scrub and impassable grounds are to be scant. This will need a considerable high usage of personal resources in the most cases because of mostly approaching search chains.
Training Premises for a Search and Rescue Dog
If one sees the goal in an operational rescue dog and oneself as its K9 handler wanting to help humanitarianly in case of emergency, one has to be prepared for a highly time-consuming process, accept changing training areas and large physical strain. Besides the training with fellows one must be able to practice some certain elements on its own.

Because of the training intensity, each K9 handler should think twice about which way he wants to go, either if he wants to handle its rescue dog in a sportive manner or in an operational manner.
Dog and K9 Handler's Capacities for Team Work
In the field of Rescue Dogs there is no separation between dog and dog handler because in professional rescue dog working they are always acting as a team

That’s why there are certain requirements on both which are essentially for a successful search on one hand and the healthy survive of the mission on the other hand. Either the dog or the K9 handler has to meet large physical and mental strain.
Rescue Dog Requirements
The dog must be healthy and must show a secure environmental behavior, very strong nerves, pronounced play and prey instincts and naturally a very good nose endowment. It has to show a very good social behavior against all people.
Rescue Dog Handler Requirements
The K9 handler has to be physically and mentally agile, able to work under pressure and he has to be a team player. Anymore he must be able to estimate dangerous situations, possess a special intuition against his dog and he has to know clearly the performance limits of his dog.
The Rescue Dog Leader must have knowledge in first aid, orientation and working with map and compass. Also he must be able to flag a damaged area.